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30 Heartfelt Poems, Song Lyrics and Quotes for a Funeral Memorial Service

30 Heartfelt Poems, Song Lyrics and Quotes for a Funeral Memorial Service

Written by: Make Memento


Finding the right words to express our feelings during a time of loss can be deeply challenging. At moments like these, when our own words fail us, the words of others can be a source of comfort and solace.


Whether you're planning a memorial service or seeking a personal way to reflect and remember, this collection of 30 heartfelt poems, song lyrics, and quotes for a Funeral Memorial Service offers a reservoir of empathy, understanding, and inspiration. 


Let's journey together through these carefully selected words that resonate with the heart, providing a special touch to your memorial service.

Heartfelt Poems for a Funeral Memorial Service

Heartfelt Poems for a Funeral Memorial Service I Make Memento

In the quiet moments of remembrance, a well-chosen poem can speak volumes, echoing the depth of our emotions and the weight of our memories. 


Each of these ten poems has been selected for its ability to offer comfort and evoke remembrance, providing a gentle touch to the tender process of saying goodbye.

1. "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep" by Mary Elizabeth Frye

This poem brings a message of continuity and presence beyond physical absence. It's comforting for those who believe in spiritual continuity and offers a sense of peace.

Click here to read the full poem

"Do not stand at my grave and weep; I am not there. I do not sleep..."

2. "Remember" by Christina Rossetti

Rossetti's poem speaks to the heart of remembering loved ones after they've passed. It's a gentle reminder of love and memory, without the pain of loss.

Click here to read the full poem

"Remember me when I am gone away, gone far away into the silent land..."

3. "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas

This poem is about fighting against the dying of the light, making it suitable for memorialising someone who lived life passionately.

Click here to read the full poem

"Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day..."

4. "Funeral Blues" by W.H. Auden

Auden's words deeply express the feeling of loss and the world stopping with the passing of a loved one. It’s a profound choice for expressing deep grief.

Click here to read the full poem

"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone..."

5. "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron

This poem, often used to describe inner and outer beauty, can be a touching tribute to the beauty of a life well-lived.

Click here to read the full poem

"She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies..."

6. "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost

Frost's classic poem about choice and individuality is a fitting tribute to someone who lived life on their own terms.

Click here to read the full poem

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by..."

7. "No Man Is An Island" by John Donne

This poem speaks to the interconnectedness of human life, suitable for a service emphasising community and shared grief.

Click here to read the full poem

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent..."

8. "Farewell" by Anne Brontë

Brontë's poem delicately balances the themes of farewell and the enduring nature of memories.

Click here to read the full poem

"Farewell to thee! but not farewell To all my fondest thoughts of thee..."

9. "The Thing Is" by Ellen Bass

Bass explores the journey of grief and the gradual movement towards acceptance, making it a touching piece for a memorial service.

Click here to read the full poem

"...when grief sits with you, its tropical heat thickening the air..."

10. "When Great Trees Fall" by Maya Angelou

This poem offers profound reflections on loss and resilience, embodying Angelou's powerful voice and emotional depth.

Click here to read the full poem

"...And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly..."

Meaningful Song Lyrics for a Funeral Memorial Service

Meaningful Song Lyrics for a Funeral Memorial Service I Make Memento

Music speaks when words fail. In moments of loss and remembrance, a song can touch the heart in ways words alone cannot. 

Here, we explore ten meaningful song lyrics that echo with emotion and memory, perfect for a memorial setting. Each lyric tells a story, carries a message, and leaves a lasting impression.

1. "Let It Be" by The Beatles

This Beatles classic offers comfort and a sense of peace amidst trouble, a soothing reminder for those grieving.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be."

2. "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

A modern tribute to absent friends, this song captures the sentiment of remembrance and reunion.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"It's been a long day without you, my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."

3. "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon & Garfunkel

A hymn-like song offering support and hope, its lyrics are a source of strength in times of sorrow.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"When you're down and out, when you're on the street, when evening falls so hard, I will comfort you."

4. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

IZ's version of this classic song brings a sense of hope and comfort with its gentle melody and optimistic lyrics.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true."

5. "In the Arms of an Angel" by Sarah McLachlan

McLachlan's heartfelt song is often played at funerals and memorials for its comforting and soothing tone. 

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"You're in the arms of an angel; may you find some comfort here."

6. "Supermarket Flowers" by Ed Sheeran

This song, written by Sheeran for his grandmother, is a beautiful, bittersweet ode to love and loss.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved."

7. "I'll Be Missing You" by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans feat. 112

A song that encapsulates the feeling of longing and remembrance, it's particularly poignant for those who have lost someone too soon. 

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"Every step I take, every move I make, every single day, every time I pray, I'll be missing you."

8. "Who You'd Be Today" by Kenny Chesney

This country song touches on the heartache of losing someone at a young age, wondering about the life they might have led.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"It ain't fair: you died too young, like a story that had just begun, but death tore the pages all away."

9. "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day

A song about loss and moving through grief, its universal message resonates across different experiences of mourning.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"Here comes the rain again falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are."

10. "Dance with My Father" by Luther Vandross

A heartfelt tribute to a lost parent, this song resonates with anyone who yearns for just one more moment with a loved one.

Click here to read the full lyrics

Click here to listen to the full song

"If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him, I'd play a song that would never, ever end."

Memorable Quotes for a Funeral Memorial Service

Memorable Quotes for a Funeral Memorial Service I Make Memento

In moments of remembrance, the right words can be a beacon of light in the darkness of grief. 


Here, we've gathered 10 memorable quotes that beautifully capture the essence of loss, remembrance, and hope. 


These quotes can be woven into your funeral memorial service, offering comfort and a poignant reminder of the enduring love and memories shared.

1. “When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”

-Kahlil Gibran


Gibran’s words offer a perspective that turns grief into a reflection of deep love and joy shared, suitable for expressing the depth of loss.

2. "What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us."

-Helen Keller


This quote can be a comforting reminder of the indelible mark left by loved ones, ideal for offering solace.

3. "Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come."

-Rabindranath Tagore


This quote offers a perspective of hope and transition, suitable for conveying a message of continuity beyond death.

4. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."

-Thomas Campbell


A beautiful expression of the idea that through memories and love, the departed continue to live on in those they’ve touched.

5. "In times of grief and sorrow, I will hold you and rock you, and take your grief and make it my own."

-Nicholas Sparks


This quote can be used to express communal support and the shared nature of grief, ideal for a moment of collective reflection.

6. "Grief turns out to be a place none of us know until we reach it."

-Joan Didion


Didion’s insightful words on the unfamiliar territory of grief can resonate with those struggling to comprehend their loss.

7. "Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them."

-Leo Tolstoy


Tolstoy’s insight into the strength of love as both the source of deep grief and healing can be a powerful message during a eulogy.

8. "Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality."

-Emily Dickinson


Dickinson’s words beautifully encapsulate the eternal nature of love, making this quote a fitting conclusion to any memorial service.

9. "No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."

-C.S. Lewis


Lewis’s honest reflection on grief can be a conversation starter about the complexities of mourning, fitting for an interactive part of the service.

10. "Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give but cannot."

-Jamie Anderson


This quote can bring a new understanding to the feeling of loss, emphasising love as the root of grief.

How to Use Poems, Quotes and Song Lyrics in a Funeral Memorial Service

How to Use Poems, Quotes and Song Lyrics in a Funeral Memorial Service I Make Memento

In the tender journey of remembrance, the right words, be they in poems, songs, or quotes, can be powerful vessels of emotion and memory. 


Here are some thoughtful ways to weave these heartfelt words into the fabric of a memorial service, transforming them into expressions of love, reflection, and honour.

  • Integrating Poems into Readings

Select a poem that resonates with the spirit of the departed and have a close family member or friend read it aloud. This can be a poignant part of the service, allowing for a moment of reflection and connection.

  • Song Lyrics in Eulogies

Eulogies can be interspersed with meaningful song lyrics that reflect the life or philosophy of the loved one. This melding of spoken word and lyric can offer a unique and touching tribute.


  • Quotes as Part of the Welcome Speech

Begin the service with a quote that sets the tone for the gathering. A well-chosen line can offer comfort, initiate a theme, or invite attendees to reflect on their own memories.


  • Poems as Decorative Elements

Print short, poignant excerpts from poems on the program, candles, or memory cards. This can turn each element into a keepsake that attendees can take home.


  • Quotes in Visual Tributes

If there’s a slideshow or photo display, overlay images with relevant quotes. This combination of visual and textual elements can tell a powerful story of the life being celebrated.


  • Incorporating Lyrics in Memorial Booklets

Include favorite lyrics of the departed in the memorial booklet. This can be a way to share a more personal aspect of their life with attendees.


Using Poems in Commemorative Videos

If a commemorative video is part of the service, consider using a poem as a voiceover. The rhythm and cadence of the poem can add depth to the visual narrative.


  • Quotes as Parting Thoughts

Conclude the service with a meaningful quote that encapsulates the essence of the gathering or the spirit of the departed. This final quote can be a source of lasting comfort.


  • Lyrics in Memorial Gardens or Spaces

If there’s an outdoor component or a dedicated space for reflection, consider displaying a lyric that aligns with the natural setting. It can offer a space for peaceful contemplation.


  • Poems and Quotes in Follow-Up Communications

In thank you notes or follow-up communications, include a poem or quote that was significant during the service. This helps to extend the sentiment and memory beyond the day of the memorial.

By thoughtfully integrating these words into various aspects of the memorial service, they become more than just text; they transform into a shared experience, a communal journey through grief and love, and a lasting tribute to the life that was lived.

How to Write Your Own Special Words for a Funeral Memorial Service

How to Write Your Own Special Words for a Funeral Memorial Service I Make Memento

In the midst of loss, the act of expressing your feelings through your own words can be both therapeutic and meaningful. Whether it’s for a speech, a reading, or a personal note in the memorial program, writing your own words allows you to share your unique connection with the departed. 


Here are some tips and ideas to help you capture your thoughts and emotions authentically.

  • Reflect on Shared Memories

Start by recalling fond memories or significant moments shared with the departed. These personal anecdotes can be the foundation of your message.


  • Express Genuine Emotions

Don’t shy away from expressing how you truly feel. Whether it's sorrow, gratitude, or even unresolved feelings, honesty in your words will resonate with others.


  • Use Simple Language

You don’t need to be overly poetic or elaborate. Simple, straightforward language often conveys the deepest sentiments more powerfully.


  • Include Their Favorite Sayings or Ideals

If the departed had favorite sayings, beliefs, or philosophies, weaving these into your words can make your tribute deeply personal and reflective of their character.


  • Write a Letter

Consider writing a letter to the departed. This format can feel more intimate and direct, allowing you to express thoughts you might have shared with them.


  • Read Poems and Literature for Inspiration

Sometimes, reading other works can spark your own creativity. You might find a line that resonates, which you can then expand upon in your own words.


  • Share Lessons Learned or Legacy

Reflect on the lessons you learned from them or how they impacted your life. Sharing their lasting influence can be a beautiful homage to their legacy.


  • Use Metaphors to Describe Your Relationship

Metaphors can be powerful in expressing the nature of your relationship and emotions. Comparing your bond to a journey, a season, or a particular scene can paint a vivid picture.


  • Keep It Concise

If you’re speaking at the service, it’s often best to keep your words concise. A few minutes is usually enough to convey your message without overwhelming yourself or the audience.


  • Practice and Edit

Write a first draft without censoring yourself, then revisit it after some time for refinement. Practicing your speech or reading it aloud can also help in making it flow better.

In creating and sharing your own words, you provide a personal touch that no one else can replicate. It’s a way to honor your relationship with the departed and to share a piece of it with others, enriching the collective remembrance.

Creating a Lasting Tribute: Memorial Keepsake Boxes

Creating a Lasting Tribute Memorial Keepsake Boxes I Make Memento

At Make Memento, we specialise in creating heartfelt memorial gifts, and through our years of experience, we've become experts in helping people find the perfect words to honour their loved ones. 


This blog post stems from our deep understanding of the significance of these words in the healing journey. Once you've found the right words, immortalising them in a memorial keepsake box can be a truly special way to cherish those memories, helping to support those in grief but also serve as an enduring reminder of a cherished life.

Here are some ways to personalise and use a Memorial Kepsake Box to create a beautiful lasting tribute:

  • Personalising with Poetry

Choose a line from a poem that was significant to your loved one or that speaks to your feelings of loss and remembrance. This engraved verse will add a deeply personal touch to the memory box.


  • Song Lyrics that Resonate

Lyrics that evoke memories or feelings about the departed can be a powerful engraving choice. Every time you see the box, the words can serve as a reminder of the moments shared and the music they loved.


  • Quotes That Inspire

Engrave a meaningful quote that reflects the spirit or philosophy of your loved one. This can turn the keepsake box into a source of inspiration and comfort.


  • Combining Elements

Consider combining a small excerpt of a poem, lyric, and a personal message or date. This blend can capture different facets of your loved one's life and your relationship with them.


  • Incorporating Art and Imagery

Alongside words, the inclusion of symbolic imagery – such as a favorite flower, a bird, or a meaningful symbol – can add another layer of personalisation to the keepsake box.


  • Memory Box as a Centerpiece

Use the keepsake box as a centerpiece at the memorial service, inviting attendees to add notes, photos, or small mementos that hold special meaning.


  • Passing Down Memories

A memory box can become a family heirloom, passed down through generations with each adding their own contributions, keeping the memory of the departed alive across time.


  • A Place for Private Reflection

The keepsake box can serve as a private space for you to store letters, journal entries, or other personal items that help you connect with the memories of your loved one.

Through crafting cherished memorial boxes over the years, we've learned that the act of preserving memories is a vital part of the grieving process. A memorial keepsake box is more than a storage item; it's a sacred space that holds love, memories, and the legacy of a cherished life.

A Parting Thought: The Importance of Meaningful Remembrances

As we wrap up our conversation, let's take a moment to appreciate how important it is to find just the right words for a memorial service. 

These words are more than just sentences; they're a warm hug for the heart, a way to hold on to the memories, and a path to celebrate a special life. 

We hope our suggestions have inspired you to create a remembrance that truly reflects the unique person you're honoring.

  • Heartfelt Words for Healing

The words you choose have a special job: they bring comfort, spark memories, and help us feel close to those we've lost. They're like gentle reminders of the love and moments shared.


  • Your Personal Touch

Using the ideas we've shared – poems, song lyrics, and quotes – you can make a tribute that’s as special as the person you’re remembering. Let these words paint a picture of their life and spirit.


  • Sharing and Remembering Together

We encourage you to share these memories with others. It’s in sharing that we keep the spirit and stories of our loved ones alive, and find comfort in each other’s company.


  • Creating a Legacy of Love

Whether it’s through a keepsake box or your own personal words, you’re making something that will last – a beautiful legacy of love and memories.

Here at Make Memento, we’re with you in this journey. We understand how precious these memories are. Our hope is that this guide has given you some comfort and helped you find just the right way to remember and celebrate a life that means so much. In the end, it’s these loving tributes that keep our dear ones close to our hearts, always.

About Make Memento

About Make Memento

Make Memento is your go-to destination for expertly handcrafted, personalised gifts. With an emphasis on creativity and attention to detail, our UK-based workshop offers a delightful range of handmade items, shipping not just locally but globally. Whether you're seeking a unique keepsake box, a custom keyring, or something else entirely, each piece is thoughtfully designed to capture your memories and sentiments. VisitMake Memento to explore our collection of creative, personalised gifts, perfect for every occasion and recipient.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are good poems for a Funeral Memorial Service?

Good poems for a Funeral Memorial Service often reflect on themes of love, loss, and remembrance. Classic choices include 'Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep' by Mary Elizabeth Frye and 'Remember' by Christina Rossetti. Modern options like 'The Thing Is' by Ellen Bass can also resonate deeply.

How do I choose a quote for a Funeral Memorial Service?

Choosing a quote for a Funeral Memorial Service involves reflecting on the personality and life of the loved one. Quotes that capture their essence, beliefs, or impact on others are meaningful choices. Consider authors or thinkers they admired or phrases that reflect their philosophy on life.

Can song lyrics be used in Funeral Memorial Services?

Yes, song lyrics can be a powerful addition to Funeral Memorial Services. Choose lyrics that were meaningful to the deceased or that express your feelings of loss and love. Songs like 'Let It Be' by The Beatles or 'Hallelujah' by Leonard Cohen are popular choices.

What is the best way to write a tribute for a Funeral Memorial Service?

The best way to write a tribute for a Funeral Memorial Service is to speak from the heart. Share personal stories and memories, and express how the person impacted your life. Keep it honest and heartfelt, whether it's formal or informal in tone.

How can I personalise a Funeral Memorial Service?

Personalising a Funeral Memorial Service can be done through selecting specific readings, music, and decorations that reflect the loved one's personality. Incorporating their favorite flowers, colors, and photographs, or creating a memory corner with personal items can make the service more meaningful.

What are Memorial Keepsake Boxes?

Memorial Keepsake Boxes are special containers used to hold mementos, photos, and other items that remind you of the loved one. They can be personalised with engravings of meaningful quotes, dates, or names, serving as a lasting tribute. You can contact Make Memento to create your own Personalised Memorial Keepsake Box.

How long should a eulogy be at a Funeral Memorial service?

A eulogy at a Funeral Memorial Service typically lasts between 3 to 5 minutes. It's important to be concise while sharing meaningful insights about the deceased. This length allows you to express your thoughts and feelings without overwhelming the audience.

Can I use humour in a Funeral Memorial Service speech?

Yes, using humour in a Funeral Memorial Service speech can be appropriate, especially if it reflects the personality of the loved one. Sharing a funny story or a light-hearted memory can bring warmth and a sense of joy to the service, celebrating their life.